This is an open letter to all them Amway Reps out there. This is a general ranting flame about Amway in general and the idiotic way you act towards people. It is my opinion that Amway represents one of the largest groups of absolute complete total asshole losers out there. You schmucks go around harassing people about your stupid pyramid program from Hades with the sole and expressed goal of getting fatter and fatter of the backs of others. You cajole people into believing that they can't (or shouldn't) be happy unless they have a great big balance in their check/saving account and lots of things. You tell them that unless they are rich they are losers and that anyone who isn't involved in your stupid scheme who leaves the room is just "Jalousie". What is there to be jalousie about? ANYONE over 18 can join you "program" at any time thus negating the likely hood that anyone could possibly be jalousie. People walk away from your asinine rants because your acting like foolish jerks. End of story. The Misguided fool who tried to indoctrinate me into your garbage went to idiotic extents in his attempts to manipulate me into this crap. After he explained the stupid program to me I politely informed his sorry ass that I was not interested in the least bit. That is held nothing for me and that I had no interest in going to one of the meeting. I was very polite about turning him down. Within a month he drug me to one of those very meetings I told him I did not wish to go to, under FALSE pretenses. He actually told me that we were going to be going to a role playing game across town. So I packed up my game books and went with him only to discover that there was no game. He then actually had the audacity to get mad at me because I sat threw the meeting with a snarl on my face, arms crossed and refused to cooperate with the meeting. When it was done I did not even shake the presenters hand. So the man who was intent on pushing this stupid program on me got made because of my behavior. He felt that I had insulted this person and that I should have been more polite. More polite? Hell, He damn lucky I didn't turn around and walk out the door - Which is really what I should have done in the first place. Turned around and walked out, after informing this friend that when he was ready to game, as he said we were going to do, that he could then come find me but until then he could find someone else to trick into that crap. He didn't even leave it there. Every so often from then on he would come up with something he thought he might be able to use to harass me into Amway. BS like, "It'll help you over come your stage fright" and "Don't you want to be a millionaire?" (heck no, what for?). He resorted to playing the damn tapes that the organization thinks are so inspirational of jerks bragging about how they have lied to neighbors about the organization and how they have flaunted there things to neighbors and friends. Talking about a very wide range of very behavior that only a loser would consider appropriate. Hell, all his force feeding me the tapes did was prove to me that I had been right all along. I really feel that I must tell you all, The truest test of who is or isn't a winner in not what you have or how much you make, ITS what OTHERS really THINK ABOUT YOU!!!. Do people hang with you because you have money and there for they will put up with you being a jerk or do they hang with you because they like you. When you die, Who will be at your funeral? How many people will actually miss you? Are your associates going to be more concerned with how there going to go on with out you or are they going to be more interested in hoe your estates going to be divided up? IF you are really interested in figuring out what a real winner is you should read up on the life of the artist Toulouse LaTreck(SP) Angela Crabtree