Caern Of The Lost Tribes
Moon Spirals; Bunyip
Caern Topography: Located in a remote part
of the out back of Australia. The center of the caern is a large and
clear lake surrounded by heavy brush. There is nothing one would
like to call a road leading to the caern itself. Myra and Lilian,
identical twin sisters, reclaimed it from a pack of black spiral
dancers directly after walking the spiral their. The caern
originally was opened by the Bunyip who some say still prowl the
Caern Structure: Myra and Lilian, Identical twin sisters, run the caern as one. All members there are fiercely loyal to the two who think and act as one. No one would ever consider challenging them.
Statistics. Level
5 Gauntlet
2 Type
Gate Keeper: Nevel James Smith
Keeper of the land: John Newsong
Master of challenge:Lilian - Myra